Monday, 14 November 2016

Structure Operation and Charctersitics of LASER Diode

Laser diode are semiconductor device that converts electrical signal to light .


They are made up of:

· GaAlAs (Gallium Aluminium Arsenide) for short wavelength.

· InGaAs(Indium Gallium Arsenide) for long wavelength devices.

Conversion of electric current into light is fairly efficient

Little heat is generated when compared to incandescent lamp.

Types of laser diodes:

· Mono-junction: Only one p-n junction

· Hetero-junction: several layers of p and n materials

The two ends of the structure is optimally flat.

It has mirror in one end and partially reflective surface on the other


· Length of the junction is related to wavelength of light emitted.

· Input is given from a special current controlled DC supply.

· When the junction is forward biased, electron and holes recombine, during this process they emit photons. These photons reflect back and forth between the mirror surfaces.

· The region between the electrons acts like a cavity that filters light and purify colour. The laser cavity is a fraction of mm length.

· The photons bounce back and forth and induce more recombination. When more recombination happens more new photons are created. This cumulative action causes avalanche effect.

· All the photons generated merge from the partial end

· As temperature increases threshold current also increases.


· Compact

· Relatively efficient when compared to gas lasers.

· Rugged and long life.


· Require maintenance in drive electronics.

· Optical performance is less than other type of lasers.

· Coherence length and monochromic properties are less.

· Most laser diodes are not suited for holography.


· CD players

· Pointers-Visible lights

· Laser printer

· Fibre optics

· UPC scanners

· Barcode scanners

· CT and MRI Scanners

· DVD technology

· Laser cameras

· Laser typesetters.

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