Sunday, 13 November 2016

Structure Operation and Characteristics of Photodiode


Photodiode is a reverse biased pn junction whose operation depends on the intensity of light falling on it.
It is embedded in a clear plastic
Light is allowed to fall upon the surface across the junction
The remaining sides are either black or embedded in metallic case.
When there is no illumination, and the diode is reverse biased a reverse saturation current flows through it.
This is due to thermally generated hole and electrons.
Reverse saturation current is in the order of µA.
Since there is no indication light this current is called as dark current.
When light falls on the surface transfer of energy takes place from photons to atomic structure thus generating more electron hole pairs.
This increases the reverse current flowing through the diode.
Further increase in light intensity increases the reverse current.
The reverse saturation current and light intensity are in linear relationship. 

This is a plot between reverse voltage and current for different current through the diode is due to thermally generated minority carriers.
These minority carriers are called dark current.
The current is zero when applied voltage is positive and equal to VT.
If reverse voltage is increased in few tens a constant current is obtained.
The spacing between the curves is equal for same light intensity. Therefore the relationship between reverse current and light intensities is linear.

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