Sunday, 6 November 2016

Delpetion MOSFET (n channel)

MOSFET is metal-oxide semiconductor Field Effect Transistor.

Unipolar device
 MOSFET has majority carriers but no minority carriers. This is a unipolar device depending only on either electron in n-channel MOSFET  or hole in  p-channel MOSFET for conduction

MOSFET has three terminals namely source, gate and drain. The substrate is high resistive p-type material. This device has no pn junction structure

Source and drain: These are heavily doped n-type material and these are diffused in substrate.

Channel: Source and drain are connected to a narrow channel which is n-type region and it is adjacent to the insulating gate.

Silicon dioxide: A thin layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) is deposited on the left side of the channel. Silicon dioxide is the same as glass, which is an insulator or dielectric. Due to SiO2,  MOSFET has very high input impedance.

Gate: The gate is metallic and it is insulated from the channel by silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer. Polycrystalline silicon is now used for the gate material instead of metal. Another name for the device is insulated gate FET or IGFET.


Voltage controlled device
The output drain current is controlled by gate voltage.

Mode of operation
1 Depletion-mode
When Gate source Voltage VGS is negative, the D-MOSFET is operating in the depletion mode.

When Gate source Voltage VGS is positive, the D-MOSFET is operating in the enhancement mode
1.     During VGS=0 and positive VDS
The result is an attraction for the positive potential at the drain by the free
electrons of the n-channel. The resulting current is IDSS
VGG- Supply voltage to gate
VDD-Supply voltage to drain
VDS- Potential difference across Drain and Source
VGS- Potential difference across Gate and Source
2.     During negative VGS and positive VDS (or) Depletion-mode
 – Formation of parallel plate capacitor
The gate acts as one plate of a parallel-plate capacitor and the channel as the other plate. The silicon dioxide insulating layer is the dielectric. With a negative gate voltage, the negative charges on the gate repel conduction electrons from the channel and attract holes from the p-type substrate. Recombination between electrons and holes will occur and leaving positive ions in channel. The n channel is depleted of some of its electrons, thus decreasing the channel conductivity. The drain current is small.  At VGS(off), the channel is totally depleted and the drain current is zero or cut off.
3.  During positive VGS and positive VDS(or) Enhancement-mode
The positive gate voltage increases the number of free electrons flowing through the channel. The more positive the gate voltage, the greater the conduction from source to drain. The VDD supply forces free electrons to flow from source to drain.
When VGS becomes positive, ID will increase following the square-law equation:

Drain Characteristics
 Image result for n channel depletion mosfet drain characteris

There are three regions of operation
1.     Ohmic region – This is the vertical part of the curve which is linear
2.     Saturation region- This is the horizontal part of the curve. The drain current is constant
3.     Cutoff region - The drain current is almost zero
Channel Length Modulation
In MOSFET, a nonzero slope exists beyond the saturation point. For the saturation region, (VDS>VDS(sat)), The effective channel length decreases and this phenomenon is called Channel Length Modulation
Enhancement region
The region of positive gate voltages on the drain or transfer characteristics
is  the enhancement region,
Depletion region
The region between cutoff and the saturation level of IDSS is the depletion region.
1.     Depletion mode MOSFETs are  used in high-frequency front-end
     communications circuits as RF amplifiers
2.     The enhancement-mode MOSFET is widely used in both discrete and integrated circuits.

Explain Channel Length Modulation (4m)
In MOSFET, a nonzero slope exists beyond the saturation point. For the saturation region, (VDS>VDS(sat)), The effective channel length decreases and this phenomenon is called Channel Length Modulation

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