Theremin is a musical instrument which can be played without physical contact. it was developed in 1928 by a physicists named Leo theremin and later patented by him.

It went through a great development process and now it is electronically built.
It uses the heterodyne principle to generate audio signals. It's circuitry has two radio frequency oscillators. One oscillator operates at a fixed frequency and other oscillator is almost identical. This is controlled by the performer's distance from the pitch control antenna. hand of performer acts as ground of a variable capacitor in an L-C (inductance-capacitance)filter circuit, which is part of the oscillator and determines its frequency.
Heterodyne principle:
It is a radio signal processing technique. Heterodyning is used to shift one he frequency of one wave into another. It is also involved in the processes of modulation and demodulation. Applications are:
Super heterodyne radio receiver.
It is used in concert music, film music and album music. Many songwriters compose their songs based on theremin music.
It went through a great development process and now it is electronically built.
It uses the heterodyne principle to generate audio signals. It's circuitry has two radio frequency oscillators. One oscillator operates at a fixed frequency and other oscillator is almost identical. This is controlled by the performer's distance from the pitch control antenna. hand of performer acts as ground of a variable capacitor in an L-C (inductance-capacitance)filter circuit, which is part of the oscillator and determines its frequency.
Heterodyne principle:
It is a radio signal processing technique. Heterodyning is used to shift one he frequency of one wave into another. It is also involved in the processes of modulation and demodulation. Applications are:
Super heterodyne radio receiver.
It is used in concert music, film music and album music. Many songwriters compose their songs based on theremin music.