Tuesday 14 March 2017

Informal and Informal Organisation

A formal organizational structure seeks to separate the individual from the role or position, as the role or position stays the same regardless of who’s holding it.

An informal organization, on the other hand, places more value on the individual. It allows for the evolution of a role or position based on an individual’s preferences, skill set, etc., and places less importance on what team or department that individual is part of.

Objectives of Formal Organization

A formal organization has a specific set of commands to direct employees in achieving its goals. Some important objectives of the formal organization are as followed:

1. To facilitate the accomplishment of the goals of the organization:
In a formal organization the work is delegated to each individual of the organization. Employee works towards the attainment of definite goals, which are in compliance with the goals of the organization.

2. To facilitate the co-ordination of various activities:
The authority, responsibility and accountability of individuals in the organization are defined. Hence, it facilitates the co-ordination of activities of the organization effectively.

3. To aid the establishment of logical authority relationship:
The responsibilities of the individuals in the organization are well defined. They have a definite place in the organization due to a defined hierarchical structure which is inherent in any formal organization.

4. To aid the establishment of division of labor:
Permit the application of the concept of specialization and division of labor, division of work amongst individuals according to their capabilities helps in greater specializations and division of work.

5. Create group cohesiveness:
Creating a cohesive group is one of the fundamental objectives of an organization which ultimately results in increase in group dynamics & productivity.

 Characteristics of Formal Organization:
A formal organization has the following characteristics:

1. Well defined rules and regulation:
The first & foremost characteristic of a formal organization is a well defined set of rules & regulations. These will be strictly followed to carry out the activities of the company to achieve goals.

2. Arbitrary structure:
A formal organization always contains an arbitrary structure that allows all the departments of the organization work in a coordinated way to achieve the target.

3. Determined objectives and policies:
A formal organization consists of specific objectives & policies. All the activities in the company follow around these policies & to achieve the objectives.

4. Limitation on the activities of the individual:
Every individual in a formal individual is assigned with specific duties & responsibilities. This is true regulation for every personnel.

5. Strict observance of the principle of co-ordination:
The co-ordination between different departments in an organization is strictly maintained to achieve the most efficient result.

6. Messages are communicated through vertical chain:
Normally in a formal organization the vertical communication chain is followed so that the chain of command & its unity is maintained.

7. Status symbol:
A formal organization is a separate social entity. The activities have a separate entity than the individuals performing those activities.

Functions of Formal Organization:
1. Set specific Goals for organization:
A formal organization has to set specific goals for the personnel working in it. By achieving the goals individually achieved the organization as a whole will be benefited in achieving the eventual goals.

2. Establishing working relationship:
In a formal organization the primary goal is to establish an efficient working relationship & to establish a clear chain of command. The effective work relationship is the most important thing for the goals.

3. Create group cohesiveness:
It creates a sense off cohesiveness & belongings among the groups of the personnel working in a formal organization. The employees inter personnel interaction is important for the functioning of an organization.

4. Organizational Development:
A formal organization works on the organizational development by testing all the rules, regulations & the chain of activities as present. Organization detects any problem & work to change them if necessary for better service.

5. Discipline:
Discipline within an organization is important to get the best result of it. The org. management has to find a proper way to achieve proper discipline.

6. Human Resource Development:
It helps in other human resources development activities such as recruitment, promotions, career planning and development and manpower planning. The important part of a organization is its employees. A formal organization gives the opportunity to treat the human resources within the organization. The development & improvement of human resource is easy in a formal organization.
Benefits of Formal Organization:
A formal organization has beneficial aspects in the way it runs & its relationship with its employees. Mainly the employees are the main beneficiary of a formal organization along with the environment in which they are operating. In this topic we will discuss the benefits of the employees working in a formal organization. The benefits can be enlisted as followed:

a) Financial Aspects of benefits:
1. Security:
A formal organization is more established & the entity of the company is not dependent on individual losses. So working in such a organization provides a secured financial support to the employees & the employees working here is more devoted to work.

2. Slow but steady promotion:
In a formal organization the promotion may not be rapid due to a chain of command but with certain seniority in the organization with sufficient performance a personnel is sure of a promotion.

3. Commissioned ranks open to men and women graduates:
A formal organization will always put preference to recruit graduate or highly educated personnel, in this way creating job opportunities for this class of people.

4. Can't be fired:
After recruiting a person a formal organization tries its best to develop the personnel. In many cases the personnel is not generally fired depending on few personal mistakes.

5. Good retirement benefits:
The organization of such value will arrange a plan for the employees so that they can retire with benefits.

b) Social Aspects of benefits:
1. Many different branches appeal to different interests:
A formal organization has many different departments to perform various activities. So a person has a wide range of options from which he/she can choose depending on individual interest & skill level. So as a person there is a option in this type of organization on the choice of profession.

2. Social Status:
A formal organization has specific position & position names that bears the status of the person in the organization. These posts are familiar in the environment the company is operating & often works as a social status symbol. By working in a formal organization the person has to way to achieve such position & thus achieving a high social activity

3. See interesting places and people:
By working in a formal organization a person gets to meet many different people of different views & values. By interacting with these variations a person will learn more in working in such environment.
Limitations of Formal Organization
A formal organization has many benefits both for its internal & external environment but it has some drawbacks too. The common limitations can be listed as followed:

1. Limited Flexibility:
As this type of organization is very specific in every activities there is very little margin of flexibility & spontaneous decision making in the company. Such practice in the company can de-motivate the employees.

2. Slowness of processing:
In a formal organization for performing a task needs many formal procedures. Such formalities often slow down the implementation of decision making.

3. Communication Barrier:
As in a formal organization a task needs the co –ordination of different departments so communication needs to clear in this process. Any kind of miscommunication may lead to ultimate inefficiency.

4. Quality of decision:
Sometimes the quality of the decision made in the top management may not be most compatible for the company but the chance of correction is very scarce.

5. Slowness in Problem detection & processing:
As every procedure goes through lot of formalities any problem detected in the operation level cannot be instantly corrected. The right process will take some time to detect the problem & correction & its implementation. In such a process the organization may suffer financial loss.
Informal Organization:
The informal organization is the interlocking social structure that governs how people work together in practice. It is the aggregate of behaviors, interactions, norms, personal and professional connections through which work gets done and relationships are built among people who share a common organizational affiliation or cluster of affiliations. The informal organization evolves organically and spontaneously in response to changes in the work environment, the flux of people through its porous boundaries, and the complex social dynamics of its members.
Keogh Javis defines, "an informal organization is a powerful influence upon productivity and job satisfaction."
Characteristics of the informal organization:
The nature of the informal organization becomes more distinct when its key characteristics are juxtaposed with those of the formal organization.
1) Evolving constantly
2) Grass roots
3) Dynamic and responsive
4) Excellent at motivation
5) Requires insider knowledge to be seen
6) Treats people as individuals
7) Flat and fluid
8) Trust and reciprocity
9) Difficult to pin down
10) Essential for situations that change quickly or are not yet fully understood
Functions of informal organizations:
Keith Davis suggests that informal groups serve at least four major functions within the formal organizational structure.

1) Perpetuate the cultural and social values:
They perpetuate the cultural and social values that the group holds dear. Certain values are usually already held in common among informal group members. Day-to-day interaction reinforces these values that perpetuate a particular lifestyle and preserve group unity and integrity.

2) Provide social status and satisfaction:
They provide social status and satisfaction that may not be obtained from the formal organization. In a large organization (or classroom), a worker (or student) may feel like an anonymous number rather than a unique individual. Members of informal groups, however, share jokes and gripes, eat together, play and work together, and are friends-which contributes to personal esteem, satisfaction, and a feeling of worth.

3) Promote communication among members:
The informal group develops a communication channel or system (i.e., grapevine) to keep its members informed about what management actions will affect them in various ways. Many astute managers use the grape- vine to "informally" convey certain information about company actions and rumors.

4) Provide social control:
They provide social control by influencing and regulating behavior inside and outside the group. Internal control persuades members of the group to conform to its lifestyle. External control is directed to such groups as management, union leadership, and other informal groups.
Benefits of Informal Organization:
1) Better Total System:
Informal Organizations blend with formal systems to make an effective total system. Some requirements can be met better by informal relations, which can be flexible and spontaneous.

2) Lighter workload for management:
Informal Organizations lighten the workload on management. When managers know that the Informal Organization is working with them, they feel less compelled to check on the workers to be sure everything is shipshape.

3) Work group satisfaction:
Informal Organizations give satisfaction and stability to work groups. Workers feel a sense of belonging and security, so satisfaction is increased and turnover reduced.

4) A safety valve for emotions:
Informal Organization is a safety valve for employee frustrations and other emotional problem. Employees may relieve emotional pressures by discussing them with someone else with in Informal group.

5) Cohesiveness:
Cohesiveness is indicated by how strongly the employees stick together, rely on each other, and desire to remain members of the group.

6) Fill up gaps:
If a manager is weak in planning, an employee may informally help with planning. In this way planning is accomplished in spite of the manager’s weakness. Thus Informal Organizations act to fill in gaps in a manager’s abilities.

7) Channel of employee communication:
Informal Organization provides the means for people to keep in touch, to learn more about their work, and to understand what is happening in their environment. Thus Informal Organization can be a useful channel of employee communication.

8) To plan and act more carefully:
The presence of Informal Organizations encourages managers to plan and act more carefully than they would otherwise. Because they know Informal groups can undermine even a worthwhile project

9) Encourage Cooperation:
Informal Group support of a manager leads to better cooperation and productivity. It helps get the work done.

10) Understanding and Dealing with the Environmental Crisis:
The IRG Solution - hierarchical incompetence and how to overcome it1984, argued, that Central media and government type hierarchical organizations could not adequately understand the environmental crisis we were manufacturing, or how to initiate adequate solutions. It argued that what was required was the widespread introduction of informal networks or Information Routing Groups which were essentially a description of social networking services prior to the internet.

11) Encourage improved management practice:
Perhaps a subtle benefit of informal groups is that they encourage managers to prepare, plan, organize, and control in a more professional fashion. Managers who comprehend the power of the informal organization recognize that it is a "check and balance" on their use of authority.
Problems associated with Informal Organizations:
1) Resistance to change:
Perpetuation of values and lifestyle causes informal groups to become overly protective of their "culture" and therefore resist change. For example, if restriction of output was the norm in an autocratic management group, it must continue to be so, even though management changes have brought about a more participative administration.

2) Role conflict:
The quest for informal group satisfaction may lead members away from formal organizational objectives. What is good for and desired by informal group members is not always good for the organization. Doubling the number of coffee breaks and the length of the lunch period may be desirable for group members but costly and unprofitable for the firm. Employees' desire to fulfill the requirements and services of both the informal group and management results in role conflict. Role conflict can be reduced by carefully attempting to integrate interests, goals, methods, and evaluation systems of both the informal and formal organizations, resulting in greater productivity and satisfaction on everyone's behalf.

3) Rumor:
The grapevine dispenses truth and rumor with equal vengeance. Ill-informed employees communicate unverified and untrue information that can create a devastating effect on employees. This can undermine morale, establish bad attitudes, and often result in deviant or, even violent behavior. For example, a student who flunks an exam can start a rumor that a professor is making sexually harassing advances toward one of the students in class. This can create all sorts of ill feelings toward the professor and even result in vengeful acts like "egging" the residence or knocking over the mail box.

4) Conformity:
Social control promotes and encourages conformity among informal group members, thereby making them reluctant to act too aggressively or perform at too high a level. This can harm the formal organization by stifling initiative, creativity, and diversity of performance. In some British factories, if a group member gets "out of line”, tools may be hidden, air may be let out of tires, and other group members may refuse to talk to the deviant for days or weeks. Obviously, these types of actions can force a good worker to leave the organization.

5) Undermine discipline:
Informal groups oppose management policies rules, procedures that are meant to structure and discipline work behavior and performance of employees. Managers are forced to become lenient in enforcing rules and regulations in tolerating deviations from required behavior. The character and competence of management tend to suffer. Informal organization may ridicule and even sabotages the process, practices and culture of formal organizations.

6) Power politics:
Informal organizations are often riddled with fictionalization and power politics. Members divert their energy and time from jobs to jungle in faction lighting and petty politics. The informal leader may manipulate the group towards selfish or undesirable ends.

7) Interpersonal and intergroup conflicts:

Informal organization also develops interpersonal and internal group conflict that can be damage to their organization. When employees give more of their thoughts and energies to opposing one another, they can likely to give less to their employer. Conflicts and self- interests can become so strong in informal organization that they reduced employee’s motivation and satisfaction.

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