Thursday, 26 January 2017

Types of Skills/Managerial Skills

Types of Skills/Managerial Skills
The term „managerial skill‟ means the personal ability put to use by a manager for the accomplishment of organizational goals. The job of a manager demands a mixture of many types of skills, whether he belongs to business organization, an educational institution, a hospital or a club. A manager is successful when he is able to make a smooth functioning team of people working under him. R.L.KATZ has given three types of managerial skills:
(i) Conceptual skills
(ii) Human skills/Behavioural skills, and
(iii) Technical skills.

Some experts have added two more skills to this list.
(iv) Analytical Skills
(v) Administrative Skills

The three types of skills are inter-related and all managers require them. However, the proportion or relative significance of these skills varies with the level of management.
1. Conceptual Skills: Conceptual skill is the ability to see the organization as a whole and it includes recognizing how the various functions of the organization depend on one another. Conceptual skills are used for developing thinking in an abstarct form and to visualize and understand the future. Through these skills inter – relationships among different functions of the business and external forces are recognized to effectively guide the organizational efforts. They are used for abstract thinking, and for the concept development involved in planning and strategy formulation. Conceptual skills involve the ability to understand how the parts of an organization depend on each other. A manager needs conceptual skills to recognize the interrelationships of various situational factors and, therefore, make decisions that will be in the best interests' of the organization.
2. Human Skills/Behavioural Skills: Human skills are essential to work with others and achieve their cooperation. Human skills are the abilities needed to resolve conflicts, motivate, lead and communicate effectively with others. Since all work is done when people work together, human relations skills are equally important at all levels of management. Every manager should be able to communicate effectively and understand what thoughts others are trying to convey. By using behavioural skills, a maanger may establish good rapport, warmth relationships and conductive interpersonal relations with his subordinates. Human relation skills are needed for providing dynamic and effective leadership and building a team spirit among employees.
3. Technical Skills: Technical skills refer to specialized knowledge and proficiency in handling methods, processes and techniques of specific jobs. It also includes knowledge about jobs and job contents and logical sequence of procedures needed for performing it. These skills are most important at lower levels of management and much less important at upper levels. A production supervisor in a manufacturing plant, for example, must know the processes used and be able to physically perform the tasks he supervises. In most cases, technical skills are important at lower level because supervisory managers must train their subordinates in the proper use of work-related tools, machines and equipment.
“Skills Requirement at Different Levels”

4. Analytical Skills: These refer to abilities to proceed in a logical, step – by – step and systematic manner, to examine the various aspects of specific issues and to understand complex features of a phenomenon. It is the ability to break down a problem into its components and to critically examine its dimensions. Analytical skills are needed for problem solving and decision - making and to manage complex situations.
5. Administrative Skills: It refers to abilities used for coordinating various activities, seeking effective utilization of allocated resources and getting things done by subordinates. In applying these skills and performing managerial functions, a manager takes into account the basic realities and behaves like an "administrative man‟ with a practical approach.

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